Created Works and Copyright in Childhood – Children are both protected by copyright on their part when they perform creative acts. On the other hand, children must already respect the copyright of others. Parents, in case of doubt, are responsible for making sure that happens.Artikel Lesen

Created Works and Copyright in Childhood – Children are both protected by copyright on their part when they perform creative acts. On the other hand, children must already respect the copyright of others. Parents, in case of doubt, are responsible for making sure that happens.Artikel Lesen

Movie-Domain-die Domain für Video-Clips ICANN hat in einer als Ereignis inszenierten, im Internet weltweit übertragenen Pressekonferenz den Startschuß für die Neuen Top Level Domains. In der von ICANN veröffentlichten Liste von rund 1900 Bewerbungen findet man auch die movie-domains. Hans-Peter Oswald von erklärt dazu:“Die movie-domain wird von vielen alsArtikel Lesen