Bright prospects exist in the real estate industry, but the motivation of young adults needs a meaningful activity in addition to attractiveness, lifelong learning. The mechanisms of creativity development through sustainable education and learning concepts. In conversation with Thomas Friese, real estate developer from Oldenburg.Artikel Lesen

Bright prospects exist in the real estate industry, but the motivation of young adults needs a meaningful activity in addition to attractiveness, lifelong learning. The mechanisms of creativity development through sustainable education and learning concepts. In conversation with Thomas Friese, real estate developer from Oldenburg.Artikel Lesen

Trans Amerika Reisen: Wohnmobil-Überführungs-Special in den USA Trans Amerika Reisen Es ist wieder da – das attraktive Neuwagen-Überführungs-Special von Trans Amerika Reisen und Road Bear. Für einen Gesamt-Mietpreis ab 159,- Euro bietet der Nordamerika-Spezialist nun hochklassige USA Wohnmobile an, die von Chicago nach Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Denver,Artikel Lesen